Posts tagged nail polish removers
The Best Non-Toxic Nail Polish Removers

On a scale of 1-to-lizard skin, how dry and cracked are your hands and cuticles this time of year? This dryness is especially exacerbated if you use acetone-based nail polish remover as it strips away your skin’s natural oil barrier leaving you with ragged, cracked, and dry cuticles. PLUS ingredients in traditional nail polish remover - such as acetone, ethyl acetate, and butyl acetate - can cause headaches, dizziness, irritates eyes, skin, and are considered UNSAFE during pregnancy!

But help is on the way! There are several all-natural nail polish removers that don’t contain a drop of acetone and are actually GOOD for your skin! Keep reading to see my top natural nail polish removers, plus a DIY nail polish remover recipe!

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