CBD - The Top 5

CBD is seemingly everywhere these days - from the corner dispensary to online distributors. What exactly is CBD anyways? There are plenty of questions about this product - Is it safe? Will it get me high? Is it legal? Should I be taking it? Keep reading to learn the top 5 things about CBD and what it can do for you.

1. CBD is a Main Component of Cannabis

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a primary component of cannabis. It is one of more than 85 compounds unique to the plant and grouped under the umbrella term cannabinoids. CBD and THC are the most prominent cannabinoids found in cannabis, and as such have undergone the heaviest scientific study.

2. CBD Won’t Get You High

CBD does not cause the feeling of being ‘high’ that is often associated with cannabis. The high is caused by THC — THC binds tightly to particular cannaboid nerve receptors in the brain and throughout the body. CBD does not bind to these receptors and instead causes its therapeutic actions through more indirect means.

Because CBD will not make you feel intoxicated, it is a great option for those who do not want to compromise mental clarity yet want the benefits of cannabinoids.

In many instances, CBD offers non-toxic, virtually side-effect free, natural benefits for individuals who want to avoid or reduce the number of pharmaceuticals they are taking.

3. CBD Oil from Hemp is Legal

CBD products come either from medical cannabis or industrial hemp plants. While still illegal under federal law, cannabis is legal in several states. And because it has a low THC content (>.3%), industrial hemp does not fall under these same regulations. This means CBD is a natural supplement without legal repercussions.

4. CBD Oil Has Numerous Natural Benefits

A growing body of research supports CBD’s potential as a treatment for a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, alcoholism, MS, chronic pain, schizophrenia, PTSD, depression, antibiotic-resistant infections, epilepsy, and other neurological disorders. 

CBD has demonstrable neuroprotective and neurogenic effects, and its anti-cancer properties are currently being investigated at several academic research centers in the United States and elsewhere. Further evidence suggests that CBD is safe even at high doses.

5. Not All CBD Is Equal

CBD varies in quality, dosage, and method of administration. 

Professional-grade CBD products, i.e. those you purchase from your healthcare practitioner are more likely to contain high-quality CBD than those found over-the-counter. This is because not all brands use high quality CBD or are accurately labeled. Professional-grade products have been vetted by your practitioner   for quality, strength, and scientific standards of the finished product.

CBD available from your healthcare practitioner is likely of a higher percentage hemp extract than what you can buy over-the-counter. For example, the topical CBD ointment we carry at our office contains 200mg of CBD extract, while those available over the counter contain 25mg. 

CBD can be applied topically (in the form of a balm or cream) or taken internally (in the form of tinctures or edibles):

Topical CBD works to treat pain at the site local site of injury. These products are the most non-invasive form of CBD because they do not need to enter the bloodstream in order to provide pain relief. It is also safe to use topical CBD in conjunction with other medications. 

Internal CBD works with both the central and peripheral nervous systems to modulate pain signals. When taken internally, cannabadiol can inhibit the body’s ability to metabolize certain drugs. Click HERE to learn more about this important aspect of CBD. It is therefore essential you consult with your healthcare practitioner to determine the best dosage of CBD for you. 

At our clinic, we prescribe Topical Ointments from CBD Clinic and Internal Tinctures from Radical Roots:

CBD Clinic analgesic ointments formulated to support rapid and lasting relief from joint and muscle pain. They contain a proprietary blend of natural emollients to facilitate deeper and faster absorption of CBD oil and pain-relieving compounds known as terpenes. These compounds penetrate to local pain receptors in the body and interrupt pain signaling. Read more about the science of CBC Clinc’s products HERE

Radical Roots CBD tinctures are different than any other CBD on the market - their tinctures incorporate the healing wisdom of Chinese Herbal Medicine and with top-quality full-spectrum hemp extract oil. Because of their incorporation of Chinese herbs for specific concerns (such as back pain, stress, etc.) their tinctures can address individual issues instead of taking only the one-size-fits-all model that most hemp extract companies have followed.  Read more about the Radical Root’s difference HERE

CBD is seemingly everywhere these days - from the corner dispensary to online distributors. What exactly is CBD anyways? There are plenty of questions about this product - Is it safe? Will it get me high? Is it legal? Should I be taking it? Keep rea…
CBD is seemingly everywhere these days - from the corner dispensary to online distributors. What exactly is CBD anyways? There are plenty of questions about this product - Is it safe? Will it get me high? Is it legal? Should I be taking it? Keep rea…