Real Mayo. Three Ingredients.

On a recent trip, I was grocery shopping for that night’s dinner. At home, I like to make most of my own ingredients (husband lovingly calls me “stubbornly DIY”). However, when I travel, I have to find other options. On this particular trip, I needed mayo for a dipping sauce to accompany grilled salmon. Because I usually make my own, I was shocked when I read the ingredient list on mayonnaise jars at the store.  At home, I make mayo with 3 ingredients - egg, avocado oil, and lemon juice. But these store-bought versions contained over 15 ingredients - and not a single egg in sight! I couldn't pronounce half of the ingredients, as most of them were preservatives and stabilizers - not real food. 

I didn’t purchase any mayo that evening, but I decided I would share my homemade recipe with you. Homemade mayo is easy, contains only real ingredients (no fillers, preservatives, or chemicals here) plus it tastes WAY better than anything you would get from a jar at your local supermarket. 

homemade mayo recipe


  • 1C avocado oil (you can also use cold-pressed olive oil here; skip canola or soybean oil, which are refined and tend to be inflammatory)
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 TSP mustard powder
  • 1 TBS fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Immersion blender (aka ‘stick blender’- yep this is an ingredient because you have to have one of these to make mayo; a high-powered regular blender won't work here.) Immersion blenders are inexpensive an available online HERE


  1. To a mason jar, add the following ingredients in this order: egg, lemon juice, spices.
  2. Pour avocado oil on top of the egg/lemon/spices.
  3. Insert immersion blender to the bottom of the jar and begin to blend. Once the mixture begins to look creamy, slowly raise the blender to the top of the mayo mixture and lower back to the bottom of the jar several times until all ingredients are incorporated. DO NOT OVERMIX. 
  4. Store in sealed jar in your refrigerator for up to one week. 

Wondering what to do with all your homemade mayo? Check out some ideas HERE

homemade mayo recipe
homemade mayo recipe
homemade paleo mayo recipe
Homemade mayo is easy, contains only real ingredients (no fillers, preservatives, or chemicals here) plus it tastes WAY better than anything you would get from a jar at your local supermarket. Follow this easy mayo recipe and make the best tasting h…
homemade mayo recipe