Posts in skincare
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

You may think of Jade Rolling as a recent beauty trend. This radiance-boosting, cheekbone-defining, detoxifying treatment is being buzzed about all over the pages of your favorite beauty magazine and jade rollers are seen in the hands of top models. But this treatment is nothing new. Jade rolling as actually thousands of years old and is a treatment once reserved only for Chinese royalty. 

The non-invasive rolling action and the healing properties of jade are rooted in ancient Chinese medicinal tradition. This practice has been an integral part of total body health since the 7th century. It’s only now that Western culture is tuning in to the large list of benefits. Curious? Keep reading to learn more about Jade Rolling and its benefits. 

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Your Sweet Tooth Is Giving You Wrinkles

You are probably already well-acquainted with some enemies of youthful skin - such as sun exposure and smoking - that keep your skin from looking smooth glowing. But did you know your sweet tooth is speeding up your skin’s aging process? Thanks to diabetes research, scientists are aware that  excess glucose in the bloodstream causes damage to internal organs as well as your body’s largest organ - your skin. Having excess glucose in your bloodstream sets you up for an expedited aging process - think wrinkles, yellowing skin, brown spots, sagging, and more. So, before you reach for that next sweet treat, read this to find out what exactly that sugar is doing to your complexion and how you can break the sugar cycle.

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A Bad Night's Sleep Is Wrecking Your Skin

So you don't sleep well.  You get to bed late, routinely wake up at 3am, and you toss and turn most of the night. You feel chronically exhausted and burned out. You may think this lack of sleep is taking a toll on your health - and it is. And since skin reflects the overall health of the body, lack of sleep is taking a toll on your complexion as well.  According to a recent study, sleeping less than 6 hours a night for a few days increases the appearance of wrinkles.

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Your Acne Hates Probiotics

You are probably by now familiar with probiotics and their digestive benefits (see my previous post HERE about probiotics). Probiotics are extremely powerful - in fact, their benefits extend far beyond digestion. Probiotics can help to normalize cholesterol, relieve anxiety, and improve immunity. This is great news; however, if you suffer from breakouts there's even better news.  According to the American Academy of Dermatology, probiotics are the "next big thing" in treating acne and rosacea. Emerging research shows that in persons prone to acne and rosacea, daily use of probiotics reduces severity and frequency of breakouts. ...

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Stop Doing This. Right NOW.

Most of us are aware of unhealthy habits. We are constantly bombarded with messages about not smoking, not drinking too much, drinking enough water, and getting enough exercise.  So, you think - I don't smoke, I drink water, and I exercise - I'm the picture of health!  Unfortunately that's not always the case.  There are little things we do every single day that can either be a boon or a bust to your health.  These little habits can add up to a major health impact. Ready to make a small tweak to your habits? Learn more about the top daily habits that are wrecking your health: 

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5 Things Your Skin Is Telling You

Our skin is a very important organ that serves a variety of functions. Skin is also our largest organ - we have about 22 square meters on our bodies and the skin of an average adult weighs about 8 pounds! No wonder skin is so important. Our skin acts as a barrier to protect us from elements that would otherwise harm our body; it is our first line of defense. But defense isn't the only function of skin! The health of skin is inextricably linked to the health of the body and because the skin is such a large, visible organ, the internal health of our body is constantly on display. Skin gives us very important clues as to what is happening inside of our body; if you are paying attention, you will have more insight into the health and wellness of your entire body. Ready to find out more about what your skin is trying to tell you? Read on to discover 5 common skin conditions that can have underlying causes. For a personalized look at your skin, click HERE to take our quiz - "What Is Your Skin Trying To Tell You"

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Stop Putting Butt Cream On Your Face

...and other home remedies that are wrecking your skin.

If you know me, you know I'm all about the home remedy. I slather castor oil on sore muscles, I drop vinegar in my ears when I get swimmer's ear, and coconut oil is my home-remedy panacea. But, there's a limit to this, especially when it comes to your skincare routine. You want to use caution when it comes to what you slather on your face because, well, your face is different than the skin on the rest of your body. The epidermis of facial skin – the top layer of skin – is made of smaller cells than the epidermis on the rest of the body. Facial skin is therefore thinner and has less of a natural barrier than skin on the rest of your body.  This is why it’s so important to nourish and protect facial skin and avoid irritating ingredients.  Read on and discover the Top 3 Home Remedy Products You Should NEVER Put On Your Face.

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Lymphatic Drainage and Your Face

The lymphatic system is the body's garbage disposal - it traps and flushes toxins and helps keep our immune systems healthy. Unlike your cardiovascular system, which has a pump (i.e. your heart), the lymphatic system relies entirely on body movement in order to keep lymph properly flowing.  When lymph fluid becomes stagnant, it becomes like a clogged drain - it traps but can't flush away toxins.  This can lead to decreased immunity, sinus and allergy congestion, and fluid retention in the face.  What's a good way to keep lymph moving?

Enter Facial Lymphatic Drainage Massage - this non-invasive and effective treatment helps support flushing of toxins from the body. It helps drain sinuses, relieves sinus pressure from allergies and colds, and reduces facial puffiness, resulting in a more defined jawline and slimmer face. Plus, it feels amazing! Ready to try it out? Book your appointment HERE

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